The Investigation Bureau of London offers research and investigation services for corporations, institutions and private clients. Contact us today to find out more about our work and how we can assist you. With years of experience working with global business clients and regulatory bodies, we can deliver a bespoke service that is designed to match your requirements. Our services include litigation support, due diligence, intelligence gathering and more.
86-90 Paul St, London EC2A 4NE, UK
Contact Us
86-90 Paul St,
London, EC2A 4NE, UK
"We are GDPR/ Data Protection Act 2018 compliant and ICO Notified under Registration Number Z7376760 since 2003."
"The Principal is a full member of The Association of British Investigators since 2000."
"The Association of British Investigators is endorsed by The Law Society of England and Wales and included in the Law Society of Scotland`s Approved Supplier scheme."